Company Policy Directory


Our statement on modern slavery

In accordance with the Canadian Forced Labour and Child Labour in the Supply Chain Act, we have published our first Modern Slavery Report, in which we describe the measures we have taken over the past fiscal year to prevent and mitigate the risk of the use of forced labour or child labour at any stage of aluminium production or raw material importation in Canada. This is an important opportunity to reflect on our efforts and commitments, to share our progress, and to recognize the challenges and areas for improvement.


The report includes a description of our structure, operations and supply chains, including the policies, standards and processes that contribute to our control framework for respecting human rights and preventing and mitigating the risk of forced and child labor. We identify the risks of modern slavery to which we may be exposed in our operations and supply chains. We also explain our due diligence processes for assessing and mitigating modern slavery risks, and how we are committed to responding to these risks. Finally, we explain how we evaluate the effectiveness of our actions and describe the consultation process undertaken across our business. 


Rapport sur l'esclavage moderne | 2023 (french version only)